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  • English

¡¤ Guohua Jiang, Pingui Rao, Heng Yue, "Tunneling through non-operational fund occupancy: an investigation based on officially identified activities",Journal of Corporate Finance

¡¤ Huili Zhang, Zhengfei Lu, Ran Zhang, Guohua Jiang, "Insider ownership, subsidiary cash holdings, and economic consequences: evidence from listed Chinese companies",Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

¡¤ Jamal, Karim, Hanwen Chen, Le Luo, "Are evaluations of audit quality influenced by management's intentions and outcomes?"Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics

¡¤ Chia-Chun Hsieh, Zhiming Ma, Kirill Novoselov, "Differential responsiveness and corporate performance under uncertainty",Taiwan Accounting Review

¡¤ Pingui Rao, Heng Yue, Jigao Zhu, "An investigation of credit borrower concentration",Journal of Banking & Finance

¡¤ C.Lee, K.Li, and Ran Zhang, "Shell games: the long term performance of Chinese reverse merger firms",Accounting Review

¡¤ Yuyu Chen, Suresh Naidu, Tinghua Yu and NoamYuchtman, "Intergenerational mobility and institutional change in 20th Century China",Explorations in Economic History

¡¤ Yuyu Chen, Avraham Ebenstein, Lena Edlund, Hongbin Li, "Girl adoption in China-a less-known side of son preference",Population Studies

¡¤ Xiaoyong Cui, Liutang Gong, "The risk-free rate in a finite horizon model with bequests",Bulletin of Economic Research

¡¤ Jinkai Li, Jin Zhang, Liutang Gong, Pei Miao, "Research on the total factor productivity and decomposition of Chinese coastal marine economy: based on DEA-Malmquist index",Journal of Coastal Research

¡¤ Jinkai Li, Jin Zhang, Liutang Gong, Pei Miao, "The spatial and temporal distribution of coal resource and its utilization in China - based on space exploration analysis technique ESDA",Energy & Environment

¡¤ Nicholas Bloom, James Liang, J ohn Roberts,, Zhichun Jenny Ying, "Does working from home work? Evidence from a Chinese experiment",Quarterly Journal of Economics

¡¤ Wanchuan Lin, Frank Sloan, "Risk perceptions and smoking decisions of adult Chinese men",Journal of Health Economics

¡¤ Wanchuan Lin, Juan Pantano, "The unintended: negative outcomes over the life cycle",Journal of Population Economics

¡¤ Judy Xu, Gordon G. Liu, Guoying Deng, Lin Li, Xianjun Xiong, Basu, Kisalaya, "A comparison of outpatient healthcare expenditures between public and private medical institutions in urban China: an instrumental variable approach",Health Economics

¡¤ Andrew T.Ching, Fumiko Hayashi, Hui Wang, "Quantifying the impacts of limited supply: the case of nursing homes",International Economic Review

¡¤ Xi Weng, "Learning and efficiency with search frictions",Frontiers of Economics in China

¡¤ Eeckhout, Jan, Xi Weng, "Common value experimentation",Journal of Economic Theory

¡¤ Xi Weng, "Can learning cause shorter delays in reaching agreements?"Journal of Mathematical Economics

¡¤ Yangfei Xu, Qinghua Zhang, Siqi Zheng, "The rising demand for subway after private driving restriction: evidence from Beijing's housing market",Regional Science and Urban Economics

¡¤ Shapiro Daniel, Yao Tang, Miaojun Wang, Weiying Zhang, "The effects of corporate governance and ownership on the innovation performance of Chinese SMEs",Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies

¡¤ Jinyuan Chang, Songxi Chen, Xiaohong Chen, "High dimensional generalized empirical likelihood for moment restrictions with dependent data",Journal of Econometrics

¡¤ Yumou Qiu, Songxi Chen, "Bandwidth selection for high-dimensional covariance matrix estimation",Journal of the American Statistical Association

¡¤ Xuan Liang, Tao Zou, Bin Guo, Shuo Li, Haozhe Zhang, Shuyi Zhang, Hui Huang, Songxi Chen, "Assessing Beijing's PM2.5 pollution: severity, weather impact, APEC and winter heating",Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences

¡¤ Chenxu Li, Xiaocheng Li, "A closed-form expansion approach for pricing discretely monitored variance swaps",Operations Research Letters

¡¤ Yu An, Chenxu Li, "Approximating local volatility functions of stochastic volatility models: a closed-form expansion approach",Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

¡¤ Liangjun Su, Yundong Tu, Aman Ullah, "Testing additive separability of error term in nonparametric structural models",Econometric Reviews

¡¤ Tae-Hwy Lee, Yundong Tu, Ullah, Aman, "Forecasting equity premium: global historical average versus local historical average and constraints",Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

¡¤ Yingying Ma, Wei Lan, Hansheng Wang, "Testing predictor significance with ultra high dimensional multivariate responses",Computational Statistics & Data Analysis

¡¤ Yingying Ma, Wei Lan, Hansheng Wang, "A high dimensional two-sample test under a low dimensional factor structure",Journal of Multivariate Analysis

¡¤ Rui Pan, Hansheng Wang, "A note on testing conditional independence for social network analysis",Science China-Mathematics

¡¤ Wei Lan, Ronghua Luo, Chih-Ling Tsai, Hansheng Wang, Yunhong Yang, "Testing the diagonality of a large covariance matrix in a regression setting",Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

¡¤ Wandi Zhao, Mingjin Wang, "On the computation of LOT liquidity measure",Economics Letters

¡¤ Jinyuan Chang, Bin Guo, Qiwei Yao, "High dimensional stochastic regression with latent factors, endogeneity and nonlinearity",Journal of Econometrics

¡¤ Sgouropoulos, Nikolaos, Qiwei Yao, Yastremiz, Claudia, "Matching a distribution by matching quantiles estimation",Journal of the American Statistical Association

¡¤ Jinguo Gong, Yadong Li, Liang Peng, Qiwei Yao, "Estimation of extreme quantiles for functions of dependent random variables",Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology

¡¤ Wei Wang, Jihai Yu, "Estimation of spatial panel data models with time varying spatial weights matrices",Economics Letters

¡¤ Lung-fei Lee, Jihai Yu, "Estimation of fixed effects panel regression models with separable and nonseparable space-time filters",Journal of Econometrics

¡¤ Jinying Wang, Robert, Ming Gao, Yu-Jane Liu, "Out of sight, not out of mind: the evidence from taiwan mutual funds",International Review of Economics & Finance

¡¤ Shujun Ding, Chunxin Jia, Baozhi Qu, Zhenyu Wu, "Corporate risk-taking: exploring the effects of government affiliation and executives' incentives",Journal of Business Research

¡¤ Shujun Ding, Chunxin Jia, Craig Wilson, Zhenyu Wu, "Political connections and agency conflicts: the roles of owner and manager political influence on executive compensation",Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting

¡¤ Yi Feng, Wanjun Jiang, Zhijun Yu, "Economic, political and resource-based models of Chinese contracts in africa: an empirical analysis",Chinese Economy

¡¤ Qi Liu, Bo Sun, "Managerial compensation under privately-observed hedging and earnings management",Economics Letters

¡¤ Hillbun (Dixon) Ho, Ruichang Lu, "Performance implications of marketing exploitation and exploration: moderating role of supplier collaboration",Journal of Business Research

¡¤ K.Li, Lei Lu, U.R.Mittoo and Z.Zhang, "Board independence, ownership concentration and corporate performance-Chinese evidence",International Review of Financial Analysis

¡¤ Benjamin Croitoru, Lei Lu, "Asset pricing in a monetary economy with heterogeneous beliefs",Management Science

¡¤ Chengzhong Qin, Shuzhong Shi, Guofu Tan, "Nash bargaining for log-convex problems",Economic Theory

¡¤ David Easleya, Liyan Yang, "Loss aversion, survival and asset prices",Journal of Economic Theory

¡¤ Fangyuan Chen, Jr.Robert S.Wyer, Shen Hao, "The interactive effects of affect and shopping goal on information search and product evaluations",Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied

¡¤ Junzhao Ma, Qingyi Huang, "Does better internet access lead to more adoption? A new empirical study using household relocation",Information Systems Frontiers

¡¤ H.L.Liu, K.H.Kim, Y.K.Choi, S.J.Kim and Siqing Peng, "Sports sponsorship effects on customer equity: an Asian market application",International Journal of Advertising

¡¤ Yi Xie, Batra Rajeev, Siqing Peng, "An extended model of preference formation between global and local brands: the roles of identity expressiveness, trust, and affect",Journal of International Marketing

¡¤ Ziwei Wang, Ping Tu, "Money or attention? Sex differences in reactions to social exclusion",Social Behavior and Personality

¡¤ Song, Jing, Rui Wang, S.Tamer Cavusgil, "State ownership and market orientation in China's public firms: an agency theory perspective",International Business Review

¡¤ Rui Wang, R.Saboo Alok, and Grewal Rajdeep, "A managerial capital perspective on chief marketing officer succession",International Journal of Research in Marketing

¡¤ Jing Song, Yinghong Wei, Rui Wang, "Market orientation and innovation performance: the moderating roles of firm ownership structures",International Journal of Research in Marketing

¡¤ Liyin Jin, Qian Xu, Ying Zhang, "Climbing the wrong ladder: the mismatch between consumers' preference for subgoal sequences and actual goal performance",Journal of Marketing Research

¡¤ Fei Ren, Dewan, Sanjeev, "Industry-level analysis of information technology return and risk: what explains the variation?"Journal of Management Information Systems

¡¤ Zhengping Wu, Xin Zhai, Zhongyi Liu, "The inventory billboard effect on the lead-time decision",International Journal of Production Economics

¡¤ Ji Li, Zheng Fang, Yi Han, Yan Wang, "Evaluating customer values by word-of-mouth: an empirical study of a telecommunication network",Statistics and Its Interface

¡¤ Michael W.Morris, Chiyue Chiu, Zhi Liu, "Polycultural psychology",Annual Review of Psychology

¡¤ Chiyue Chiu, Michele J.Gelfand, Jesse R.Harrington, Angela K.-y.Leung, Zhi Liu, Michael W.Morris, Yan Mu, Garriy Shteynberg, Kim-Pong Tam, Ching Wan, Xi Zou, "A conclusion, yet an opening to enriching the normative approach of culture",Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

¡¤ Michael W.Morris, Zhi Liu, "Psychological functions of subjective norms: reference groups, moralization, adherence, and defiance",Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

¡¤ Zhi Liu, Joel Brockner, "The interactive effect of positive inequity and regulatory focus on work performance",Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

¡¤ Michael W.Morris, Yingyi Hong, Chiyue Chiu, Zhi Liu, "Normology: integrating insights about social norms to understand cultural dynamics",Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

¡¤ J.Brockner, B.M.Wiesenfeld, P.A.Siegel, D.R.Bobocel and Zhi Liu, "Riding the fifth wave: organizational justice as dependent variable",Research in Organizational Behavior: an Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews, Vol 35, Research in Organizational Behavior

¡¤ Wenlong He, Chong Liu, Jiangyong Lu, Jing Cao, "Impacts of ISO 14001 adoption on firm performance: evidence from China",China Economic Review

¡¤ Daomi Lin, Jiangyong Lu, Peter Ping Li, Xiaohui Liu, "Balancing formality and informality in business exchanges as a duality: a comparative case study of returnee and local entrepreneurs in China",Management and Organization Review

¡¤ Seong-Jin Choi, Nan Jia, Jiangyong Lu, "The structure of political institutions and effectiveness of corporate political lobbying",Organization Science

¡¤ Ma Li, Anne S.Tsui, "Traditional Chinese philosophies and contemporary leadership",Leadership Quarterly

¡¤ Xin Li, Li Ma, "Business management practices: converging in some aspects but diverging in others",Management and Organization Review

¡¤ Run Ren, Judy Y Sun, Yichi Zhang, Yunyun Chen, Chunching Liu, "Can good impression and feedback-seeking behavior help Chinese graduates get a job? A mixed-methods study on a recruiting assessment center",Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management

¡¤ Xiaobai Ma, Changqi Wu, Lin Zhang, "How does inward fdi hinder or promote outward FDI? Three cases of Chinese automotive industry",Frontiers of Business Research in China

¡¤ Jean-Luc Arregle, Bat Batjargal, Michael A.Hitt, Justin W.Webb, Toyah Miller, Anne S.Tsui, "Family ties in entrepreneurs' social networks and new venture growth",Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

¡¤ Jianjun Zhang, "From market despotism to managerial hegemony: the rise of indigenous Chinese management",Management and Organization Review

¡¤ Yanlong Zhang, "The formation of public-private partnerships in China: an institutional perspective",Journal of Public Policy

¡¤ Ting Li, Yanlong Zhang, "Social network types and the health of older adults: exploring reciprocal associations",Social Science & Medicine

¡¤ Xin Wei, Zhixue Zhang, Xiaoping Chen, "I will speak up if my voice is socially desirable: a moderated mediating process of promotive versus prohibitive voice",Journal of Applied Psychology

¡¤ Richard Arvey, Charles Dhanaraj, Mansour Javidan, Zhixue Zhang, "Are there unique leadership models in Asia? Exploring uncharted territory",Leadership Quarterly

¡¤ X.Qin, Run Ren, Zhixue Zhang, R.E.Johnson, "Fairness heuristics and substitutability effects: inferring the fairness of outcomes, procedures, and interpersonal treatment when employees lack clear information."Journal of Applied Psychology

¡¤ Yanlong Zhang, "The contingent value of social resources: entrepreneurs' use of debt-financing sources in Western China",Journal of Business Venturing

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